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The teleport to the lobby will appear on ?? (Cellenium) at ?? in the temple of Thais and can only be accessed by players level 400 or higher (guild membership is not required to participate in this event);
In addition to the minimum level required to participate in the event, accessing the teleport will deduct 2,000,000 gps from your character's balance, otherwise access is denied;
Teams will be divided at 19:55 and will have their bases locked for 5 minutes to organize themselves in the best possible way. The locks will be removed at 20:00, starting the event;
Players will have 60 minutes to destroy the enemy crystal; otherwise, the outcome will be decided by the number of kills each team has, giving the victory to the team with the most kills;
There is a minimum of 100 players (50 on each team) required for the event to take place and also a limit of up to 400 players (200 on each team). If this limit is reached, the lobby is closed for additional players;
If the event does not occur, players will be sent back to the temple, and the money will be refunded to their balance.

During the Event
Deaths that occur within the castle will not count as unjustified kills. When players die, they will not suffer any common death penalties, such as skill reduction or experience loss, and they will not lose their blessings;
Upon death, the player will be sent to their respective team's cemetery, where they will be locked for a few seconds before they can return to the castle to continue the battle. Please note that this lock time is progressive, meaning that with each death you suffer, the time before you can return to the battle will increase. To release your character, simply step into the teleport;
The castle crystals have high defense against damage from players. As a strategy, the team can defeat the two crystal towers located on the enemy's map, and each tower that is defeated will weaken the castle crystal's defense (please note that this mechanic is not mandatory but will help in killing the enemy castle crystal);
Both teams will have predefined outfits that cannot be changed throughout the entire event;
The map will have barriers to access the towers and crystals. Additionally, the towers will only become vulnerable to attacks after the team has killed 100 enemy players, and the crystal will only become vulnerable after the team has killed 250 enemy players. When these kill thresholds are reached, all event players will be informed;
Players will not be able to use summons 250+ or area runes, cannot heal the towers or crystal, cannot access the enemy team's base, and all damage within the castle is increased;
In case of a tie, if neither of the castle crystals is defeated, we will use the total deaths of the teams as a tiebreaker. Running around and deliberately dying will not benefit your team because there are no death penalties. If the number of kills is equal, the event will be considered a tie (no winner);
At the start of the event, a chat channel will be created for both teams to organize and strategize. There will also be a 5-minute waiting time for teams to set up communication on Discord or TS;
In the waiting lobby area and in both team bases, there will be NPCs for a complete supply refill.

Castle Map
1 = Initial spawn point and NPC refill for the blue team (Alliance) | 2 = Initial spawn point and NPC refill for the red team (Horde)
Remember that the initial spawn area cannot be accessed by the enemy team to prevent unfair traps;
The pink lines represent the blocking gates that protect the towers and can only be attacked by the enemy team;
Notice that both the team tower area and the crystal area are facing your team's base, so the chosen strategy is extremely important to win the event;

All players who participate in the event will receive 1 Castle Coin as a participation prize;
The members of the winning team will receive the rewards listed below (for the character, not the account)
+ 5% Experience • + 3% Critical Hit Chance • + 3% Critical Hit Damage • + 3 Vocation Skill • + 1 Castle Coin;
The above rewards will remain on your character until the next Sunday (date of the next castle);
The chests below will be distributed according to the quantity specified, please note that the number of chests is less
than the number of participants because the chests will be distributed randomly to the winners.
1x Legendary Castle Chest
• The player will receive the outfit and addons of the Gladiator Outfit permanently.

• The player will randomly receive one of the following items: Voucher for PIX R$ 0,
Item Classification 4 (with tier 2 or 3), 2000 Rubini Coins, 20 Roulette Coins, or 10 Castle Coins.

5x Golden Castle Chest
• The player will randomly receive one of the following items: Bag you Desire, Primal Bag, Oberon Chest, Drume Chest, Scarlett Chest, Timira Chest, Ratmiral Chest, or Brainstealer Chest.
10x Silver Castle Chest
• The player will randomly receive one of the following items: 10 Prey Wildcard, 5 Roulette Coin, 2 Bless Scroll, 1 Redskull Remover, 300 Rubini Coins, or 4 Castle Coins.
20x Bronze Castle Chest
• The player will randomly receive one of the following items: 5 Prey Wildcard, 3 Liquid Dust,
2 Exalted Core, 1 Bless Scroll, 1 Roulette Coin, 100 Rubini Coins.

Boosted Creature Boosted Boss Monster Pedestal

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